

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Childhood Memories

I absolutely adore baking cakes.  Every single time that I bake cupcakes, it brings back childhood memories of baking in the kitchen with Mum.  We used to make a batch of our "special recipe" every single week and freeze the cupcakes so that us kids could have one in our lunch box every day.  Mum used to let me put each ingredient into the bowl, being incredibly patient as I invariably dropped shell into the mix after cracking the eggs.  I would insist on being the one to mix the batter with the electric beaters and without fail would send the majority of the batter over the kitchen splashback, the bench and all over us!  My favourite were Mum's chocolate cupcakes and I still make them using that exact recipe quite regularly.  It doesn't matter how many different or more complicated recipes I try, these ones still taste the best.  Now, I am all for sharing (and Mum wouldn't mind) so I encourage you to try this and let me know how you go!

F. x

Mum's Chocolate Cake

125g unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 ½ cups SR flour
½ cup cocoa
1 cup milk
Cook in a medium oven for 20 minutes (cupcakes) or 40 minutes (large cake).
Me and my gorgeous Mutti

1 comment:

  1. Yes they were lovely times. Mum's Chocolate Cake recipe was given to me by my mum! x
